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Who we are


EcomAmor arose from the desire to bring people together and act collectively. Is there anything more powerful than bringing people together to work with the land, taking care, sowing, reaping and eating collectively? We believe there is not!


The first initiative sought to gather information related to food security and encourage healthier eating habits. Therefore, in 2015, “Clube dos Orgânicos” was created, a Facebook group to exchange relevant information on organic food in Goiás. In September 2016, EcomAmor’s first seed was planted with the implementation of an urban vegetable garden in Goiânia. Starting from the squares, in 2017 and 2018, we started to organize gardens in public schools in Goiânia and the metropolitan region, psychosocial care centers and also in CASE – Centro de Atendimento Socioeducativo de Goiás.Taking care of the land, gathering volunteers, bringing people together: The history of EcomAmor is not linear, since part of the experiences and learnings of those who are from the countryside, the city, organics, family farming, schools, agroforestry, permaculture – and from there we go far! In 2019, we held educational training meetings, Garden Days and garden maintenance days in 6 public schools in Goiás. In parallel, we promoted events such as the Field Day, the Cine EcomAmor and the Study Group “Criança e Natureza ”, strengthening ties with the community.

Since 2019, everything has changed. Being close to public schools, meeting educators, employees, school cooks, families and students, was essential to understand that our place is acting directly with education. The cooperation between different types of knowledge that cross the school garden, such as agroecology, food, composting, seeds and the community, allows us to think about the whole and act locally. We realized with our work that the public schools are places of power and diversity, and it is from there that we are able to reflect on our practice, whether expanding our performance in private institutions and companies or even with the community, including formal and non-formal spaces of education. We believe in the phrase “Think global and act locally” and work to turn people into seeds, agents of change, in your school, neighborhood and city. We exist in the encounter between different areas of knowledge and in the production of knowledge through experience, therefore, our team is diverse and the sharing is constant!


EcomAmor Manifesto

We are today more than 7 billion people inhabiting planet Earth. Despite the technological advances that allow us to connect with different places of the planet in a few moments, we are living a process of deep disconnection with ourselves, with other people and with the nature of which we are a part.

We are disconnected from the land that nourishes us, from the soil that we inhabit, from the air that we breathe and from the water that composes us. We are also experiencing a disconnection from our community roots, stories, memories and identities, and from our ability to cohabit the same space in a harmonic and respectful way towards the diversity that characterizes us.

This disconnection from natural processes and our understanding of what it is to live in community has led us to a situation of illness in our own bodies, in our personal and work relationships, in our living spaces and in our cities and countries.
We believe that a paradigm shift is urgent and indispensable if we want to continue cohabiting planet Earth and, for us at EcomAmor, the path to this change is through education!

Promoting healthier cities through learning experiences and connecting people to food and the environment is our great mission. More than teaching about planting or healthy eating, we seek to create connections and reflections based on educational practices that speak of taking care, bonding and strengthening communities!




Jordana Mendonça

Administrative and Institutional Relations Director

Born in Goiânia, Bachelor and Master of Law from PUC-GO, frustrated state public servant who found life much more interesting after the foundation of EcomAmor, where she serves as Director of Institutional Relations, doing some of the things she loves most: Gathering people, talking of food and collectively pondering ways to connect people and processes to transform this world into a better place.


Bárbara Lopes

Director of Inventions

Born in Goiânia (1984), but with one foot on the road, she has been a teacher, artist and exhibition mediator. Today she divides her time as Director of Inventions at EcomAmor and experimental farmer at Chácara Flamboyant. Master in Visual Arts from UFRGS (2013) and graduated in History and Visual Arts from UFG (2006 and 2010), she is always available to chat at meetings and picnics about gardens, public spaces, food, collective, community, agroecology, fermented foods , education and art.


Jordana Oliveira

Director of Communication and Marketing

Born in Goiânia, advertising professional and master in Communication – Media and Culture. She is currently the Director of Communication and Marketing at EcomAmor. She works and flirts with cinema, education, agroecology and cultural production.



Mission, Vision and Values


Connecting people to promote sustainable cities through socio-environmental education, food and agroecology from the State of Goiás.


To be the most nationally recognized institution in carrying out socio-environmental education projects.


Courage to transform education; Sensitivity to inspire people to action; Systemic vision to promote a diverse and sustainable world; Collaboration to strengthen communities; Female protagonism for inclusive education.



Fale com a gente
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